Potty training 101
Tips for parents and caregivers to make toilet tasks easy for kids
Does your child struggle with leaking, urgency, or constipation? As pelvic health physical therapists, we talk about solutions to these struggles every day.
This mini-course provides parents and caregivers simple strategies to help your child learn lifelong skills for healthy toileting habits. These tips can easily be applied and may resolve leaking or struggle with emptying their bowels. It's important that you share your child's symptoms with their health care provider for an appropriate diagnosis. CorePhysio's Pediatric Pelvic Health Program provides expert physical therapy care for kids with incontinence or constipation. If the information in this course doesn't resolve your child's symptoms or answer all your questions, we'd be happy to work with you and your child.
This course is not a substitute for medical care or skilled physical therapy.
Photo by David D. from Flickr.
Why parents should take this course
The Pelvic Floor
Positioning Techniques
Toilet Activities
Next Steps
Christine Eardley PT, GCS, PRPC, BCB-PMD
Watch this short course to learn some toileting strategies for you and your child.